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27 Ways to Ask “How Was School?” And Actually Get a Response

27 Ways to Ask about school

Many parents get a similar response when they ask, “How was school?” Either the answer is “okay” or “fine” which doesn’t give us a whole lot of answers. Of course, we always want to be there for our children, but we have to learn how to ask the right questions. Now, it’s time to get creative!

27 Ways to Ask “How Was School?” And Actually Get a Response

  1. Tell me one thing you learned in school today.
  2. Did anyone make you smile today? Who?
  3. What did you have for lunch?
  4. Which one of your classmates brought the best lunch? What did they bring?
  5. Did anyone at school upset you today?
  6. What is the popular sport to play during recess?
  7. Tell me one thing that you learned about a friend.
  8. Did someone help you today?
  9. Was there any subject you struggled with?
  10. Does your teacher have a favorite phrase they often say to the class?
  11. Where do you usually hang out during recess?
  12. If there’s anyone you could switch seats with, who and where would it be?
  13. Do you have a funny classmate?
  14. Which was the most interesting subject you learned today?
  15. Did you help anyone struggling in class?
  16. Which part of the day do you look most forward to?
  17. Do you have any upcoming events happening at school?
  18. Was there a point in which you felt very proud of yourself today?
  19. Between 1 to 5, how would you rate your day?
  20. Did you enjoy your lunch?
  21. What’s the most popular sport played in school?
  22. Does your teacher remind you of anyone? Who?
  23. Is there anything you hope to learn in the future?
  24. Which skill in the playground would you like to learn for the year?
  25. Was there any rule that you found difficult to follow today?
  26. Who did you sit with during lunch?
  27. Did you read anything in class?
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